HOBDCalc (Hexadecimal, Octal, Binary, Decimal Calculator) library.


HOBDCalc is an little library for converting decimal values (signed integers or floating-point values) in an string representing the value in following bases.

  • Binary base (2).
  • Octal base (8).
  • Hexadecimal base (16).

The values are converting in an string in the wanted base.

And HOBDCalc provide the back conversion functions:

from an string in base 2, 8 or 16 to the corresponding value in decimal base.

That’s not all because HOBDCalc implement the basic operations to apply on the strings in the supported base.

  • Addition from 2 strings in base 2, 8 or 16.
  • Substraction from 2 strings in base 2, 8 or 16.
  • Multiplication from 2 strings in base 2, 8 or 16.
  • Division from 2 strings in base 2, 8 or 16.

Either as integer values or as floating-point values.

Functions listing

char *inttobin(long long value, char *buffer) ;

char *inttooct(long long value, char *buffer) ;

char *inttohex(long long value, char *buffer) ;

long long bintoint(const char *string) ;

long long octtoint(const char *string) ;

long long hextoint(const char *string) ;

char *floattobinfloat(long double value, char *buffer) ;

char *floattooctfloat(long double value, char *buffer) ;

char *floattohexfloat(long double value, char *buffer) ;

long double binfloattofloat(const char *float_string) ;

long double octfloattofloat(const char *float_string) ;

long double octfloattofloat(const char *float_string) ;

long long binaddbin(const char *bin_str_1, const char *bin_str_2) ;

long long binsubbin(const char *bin_str_1, const char *bin_str_2) ;

long long binmultbin(const char *bin_str_1, const char *bin_str_2) ;

long double bindivbin(const char *bin_str_1, const char *bin_str_2) ;

long long octaddoct(const char *oct_str_1, const char *oct_str_2) ;

long long octsuboct(const char *oct_str_1, const char *oct_str_2) ;

long long octmultoct(const char *oct_str_1, const char *oct_str_2) ;

long double octdivoct(const char *oct_str_1, const char *oct_str_2) ;

long long hexaddhex(const char *hex_str_1, const char *hex_str_2) ;

long long hexsubhex(const char *hex_str_1, const char *hex_str_2) ;

long long hexmulthex(const char *hex_str_1, const char *hex_str_2) ;

long double hexdivhex(const char *hex_str_1, const char *hex_str_2) ;

long double binfloataddbinfloat(const char *bin_float_str_1, const char *bin_float_str_2) ;

long double binfloatsubbinfloat(const char *bin_float_str_1, const char *bin_float_str_2) ;

long double binfloatmultbinfloat(const char *bin_float_str_1, const char *bin_float_str_2) ;

long double binfloatdivbinfloat(const char *bin_float_str_1, const char *bin_float_str_2) ;

long double octfloataddoctfloat(const char *oct_float_str_1, const char *oct_float_str_2) ;

long double octfloatsuboctfloat(const char *oct_float_str_1, const char *oct_float_str_2) ;

long double octfloatmultoctfloat(const char *oct_float_str_1, const char *oct_float_str_2) ;

long double octfloatdivoctfloat(const char *oct_float_str_1, const char *oct_float_str_2) ;

long double hexfloataddhexfloat(const char *hex_float_str_1, const char *hex_float_str_2) ;

long double hexfloatsubhexfloat(const char *hex_float_str_1, const char *hex_float_str_2) ;

long double hexfloatmulthexfloat(const char *hex_float_str_1, const char *hex_float_str_2) ;

long double hexfloatdivhexfloat(const char *hex_float_str_1, const char *hex_float_str_2) ;


$ ./configure # This will perform a system check and set some variables.

$ make # This will build the shared and the static library.

$ sudo make install # This will install libHOBDCalc on your system, As shared and static library and the manpages.

Developpment with HOBDCalc

By compilation of your programm simply link the HOBDCalc library.

$ cc main.c -lHOBDCalc

If this fail try to link first the HOBDCalc library and after the math library.

$ cc main.c -HOBDCalc -lm # In that order.

Usage advice of libHOBDCalc:

For the base conversions for floating-points values use the double type instead of the long double type by usage of a cast.

Because libHOBDCalc compute internally with the type long double type but if you want an fully exact returned value use a cast to the double type.

like in the provide assertions file of the library: hobdcalc_assertions.c which demonstrate the exactitude of libHOBDCalc with an correct usage and to put libHOBDCalc to the proof.

Note for developpers:

I failed to implement the under|over flow detection by operations functions who deal with the type long double.

If you know how to detect so an under|over flow thank’s to contact me at: <mrcyberfighter@gmail.com>.


Read the manpages available at section 3 for usage of libHOBDCalc:

  • $ man binaddbin
  • $ man bindivbin
  • $ man binfloataddbinfloat
  • $ man binfloatdivbinfloat
  • $ man binfloatmultbinfloat
  • $ man binfloatsubbinfloat
  • $ man binfloattofloat
  • $ man binmultbin
  • $ man binsubbin
  • $ man bintoint
  • $ man floattobinfloat
  • $ man floattohexfloat
  • $ man floattooctfloat
  • $ man hexaddhex
  • $ man hexdivhex
  • $ man hexfloataddhexfloat
  • $ man hexfloatdivhexfloat
  • $ man hexfloatmulthexfloat
  • $ man hexfloatsubhexfloat
  • $ man hexfloattofloat
  • $ man hexmulthex
  • $ man hexsubhex
  • $ man hextoint
  • $ man hobdcalc
  • $ man inttobin
  • $ man inttohex
  • $ man inttooct
  • $ man octaddoct
  • $ man octdivoct
  • $ man octfloataddoctfloat
  • $ man octfloatdivoctfloat
  • $ man octfloatmultoctfloat
  • $ man octfloatsuboctfloat
  • $ man octfloattofloat
  • $ man octmultoct
  • $ man octsuboct
  • $ man octtoint


Thank’s to my beloved mother, my family and the doctors.

Stay away from drugs: drugs destroy your brain and life.


libHOBDCalc is a little multibases converting and calculation

facilities library.

libHOBDCalc (C) 2014 Brüggemann Eddie (Alias mrcyberfighter).

This file is part of libHOBDCalc.

libHOBDCalc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

libHOBDCalc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with libHOBDCalc. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

Copyright (C) GPLv3 2014 Brüggemann Eddie <mrcyberfighter@gmail.com>.